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3 Reasons Permeable Pavers Are Perfect for Family Homes

Permeable pavers have long been the concrete of choice for environmentally conscious homeowners. Permeable concrete is porous, meaning that it absorbs stormwater and allows it to soak into the ground, instead of channeling pollutants into streams.

However, aside from the environmental benefits, there are a number of reasons why permeable pavers are the best choice of concrete for families with children.

Read on for three ways porous pavers can benefit your family, in addition to the environment.

1. Slip-Safe Surfaces

Permeable pavers soak up water from rain, swimming pools and garden sprinklers, instead of allowing it to pool. This gives these pavers a high slip resistance.

Children are prone to slips and trips in wet areas, as no matter how many times you may tell them not to, they will always run too fast if they're having fun.

Installing permeable pavers can help reduce the incidence of falls around your backyard, saving your family the worry of trips to the emergency room with your kids.

2. Low Maintenance

While permeable pavers may cost more to install than normal concrete, they require relatively little maintenance during their working life.

Permeable concrete will not crack, meaning you will not have to spend your Sunday afternoons with a caulk gun in hand repairing cracked pavers. 

In addition, your home stormwater drains will become blocked less frequently, as permeable pavers reduce run-off into your drains by directing water into the ground instead. This means you can spend your weekends with your family, instead of spending hours maintaining your backyard.

3. Perfect for Pavement Chalk

Drawing on pavement with chalk has long been a pastime of Australian children, whether it be to create a hopscotch court or simply have fun with the colours.

Depending on the products your children use, chalk can be difficult to remove from hard surface pavement, and using a hose can often result in large pools of water collecting on your concrete.

Chalk marks are easily removed from permeable pavers using water. In addition, as permeable concrete is porous, any water applied will simply soak into the ground, instead of pooling on the surface.

Permeable pavers have long been known to have significant environmental benefits, but many Australian families are now choosing to have them installed for other reasons.

Whether you are looking to keep the area around your swimming pool slip-free, or are just looking for a low maintenance backyard paving solution, permeable pavers are perfect for families of any size.
